Selecting an Area

Everyone has their favorite view and vacation spot. Selecting it is as easy as a map screenshot of the area of interest and sending it to us for pricing.

We will create a rendering of the area for your approval. The rendering will reflect the data but keep in mind that on wood the details will be in the data but a small percent will interact with the wood grain and might not be easily visible.

Scaling the elevation data

Vertical scaling of the data for the material is very important to take into consideration. Depending on the area and terrain scaling can enhance the carvings definition of the terrain. The thickness of the material determines the definition of the model.

I used the Kondyor Massif in Russia for this demonstration. Notice the difference in the definition between the elevation exaggeration

Actual scaled data and wood carvings

First you will see the actual data. On the right you will see the resulting cut wood. 1X, 3X and 6X vertical exaggeration scales. The same data, cutter and material are used for each model. The models were cut from Cedar and the 6X cutting has a topographic 1.25in. overall height.

Kondyor Massif
Kondyor Massif Wood 1X
Kondyor Massif Wood 1X
Kondyor Massif Data 3X
Kondyor Massif Wood 3X
Kondyor Massif Wood 3X
Kondyor Massif Data 6X
Kondyor Massif Wood 6X
Kondyor Massif Wood 6X

The thicker the wood the more exaggerated the carving can be to show greater topographic detail. .

Selecting a Material

Selecting a material for your piece can be the most difficult part of a custom project. Thickness, tone and grain all come into play. We can help you visualize your final product by providing rendering of the final topography. We select live edge woods from qualified suppliers. We are also experimenting with epoxy fills and finishes. They will be posted soon.

Selecting a definition level

Visit our Accuracy Demo to help you select the best definition and value for your project.